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174 Deviations
Youh, it was pretty long time since the last update, isnt'it ?

So, what happened since May ? So many things it's only now I write a little update !

First thing but not the least, I'M FUCKIN GRADUATED, and with a 19/20 from my jury for my professionnal oral. Still can't believe it and one of the most incredible memory of the year. 

My plan after this was to continue for two more years, and then start to work as a manager, as I did the last year.

But as life is a funny little guy, nothing happened like expected. And for the best.

During my job researchs in summer, the most unexpected and incredible work opportunity fall on me like a fat cat on a fried chicken.

A videogame company, for which I did some tests in 2015, contacted me to ask if I was still interested to work on the project I was tested, one year ago.

The rest of the story was fuckin fast. Long story short : after many hesitations, but once I was sure of my choice... I signed my contract as professionnal scenarist two weeks later.

I was afraid of the reaction of my school, by annoncing them I will not continue my studies and start working "for real"... And then they offered me to work now as a teacher in the school, for the new digital marketing class.

People who know me IRL know how much I love my school since the beginning of my studies with them, how incredible my director was, by giving me my chance, supported me, helped me in the hard time... And then now, she hired me. Even in my wildest dreams I didn't expected a better situation than the one I had at this moment. 

Or... except if life come, again.

One month after, it was my birthday, and also the amazing Geek Faëries convention.

The day of my birthday, I met an amazing guy.

Long story short, one more time : after an amazing week-end where all my wonderful friends helped me to find the "mysterious guy" I saw on saturday, I found him only one hour before our leaving. I started to talk to him... And then proposed him to drink a beer next time we'll met, because damn. I crushed on you, dude.

One week after, I had a marvelous boyfriend.

One month after, I moved to have my own place for the first time. I can practice horse riding again. I also started medieval fencing with my boyfriend, who is a medieval fencing instructor. (How COOL is that SERIOUSLY ?)

So there we are : new job, new boyfriend, new place, new challenge. VERY big challenges, like writing 900+ pages of stories for december for the studio, and do the same for April. Prepare lessons for the university, manage my students (holy shit I have students.), training  3/4 times per week (OH MAN YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW HAPPY I AM TO PRACTICE SPORT AGAIN), take care of my amazing boyfriend every week-end, because we live at 220km from each others.

Meet new friends, prepare new dreams, new life... Do the fuckin administration, also. Prepare myself for the future, because even if I do my dreamjob right now, you don't know what the future will be :)

Continue to see my lovely :iconlittleulvar: several time in the year, including a new artist in Hiraeth team, try harder this year to finally have the VISA for my also lovely Anndr. Travel in Ukraine maybe... and just travel. Maybe write one of the book I dream to finish.

So... Life is so damn uncontrollable. Four years ago, I listened my pragmatism and given up all my dreams, because well... One of my biggest priority was to be independant and assume myself. Save money to build a life, a family, a home. I started new studies and I'm now graduated twice in management and society gestion.

And then I'm back to my oldest dream. I'm a professionnal writer. Like. For real. People trust me enough to write a whole videogame. Man... I'm as excited as i'm afraid and motivated :heart:

And, at last, meet the guy I was dreaming for all this years.

Know what, life ? I think we're good for the last 15 years. Just don't crush me too soon... Let me enjoy a little my life.

But in the meantime, okay. 

My life is great. I hope yours is also what you want it to be, people :heart:

See you in some months I guess !

And also, I'll be at Art to Play Convention, in Nantes, the 18-19-20th November, with :iconlittleulvar: and :iconselkys: ! See you there ! <3

"War Hounds is a walk in dirt and rust.
It's wandering in the worst districts of the universe.
And trying to come out alive, if possible in one piece.
And it's a webcomic published every fridays.
This story is also a part of the "SWS" universe, AKA "Space Warships", a wide sci-fi saga about stellar wars, and people who try to defend their convictions, or simply to survive."


And you don't want to miss an update ? We also can follow us on Tumblr and Facebook ! =D






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10 min read
Un journal de la flemme pour pouvoir taguer les deux oubliées !

Taggée par la miss :iconrakiah:

• Ecrire 11 choses sur soi.

• Répondre aux 11 questions posées par la personne qui nous a nommés.

• Poser 11 questions et nommer les personnes qui devront y répondre.

• Mettre les liens vers leurs blogs et les informer de leur nomination

• Informer la personne qui nous a nommés que la tâche est accomplie

(Putain par contre j'aime pas écrire des trucs sur moi on va fouiller...)

1. Après presque dix ans d'amour fou, je n'arrive plus du tout à lire de la fantasy et quasiment plus de médiéval si c'est pas historique. Je ne lis plus beaucoup de fiction tout court d'ailleurs, depuis 3/4 ans je ne lis presque qu'exclusivement des bouquins histo et de journalistes d'Europe de l'est et du Moyen-Orient. Je me demande sur quoi je vais me lancer après ça ?

2. A part quelques très bons cru que m'a fait goûter un ami et une fabuleuse bouteille de Bordeaux offerte à Quai des Bulles, je n'aime vraiment pas le vin rouge. Par contre un Jurançon ou un Saumur et je termine la bouteille toute seule sous une table. (#ConfessionPochtron)

3. Dans la même veine, je suis paf rapidement (jamais bourrée encore par contre), mais c'est plutôt bien pour mon entourage parce que du coup je la boucle, sinon je parle très très fort et très très vite. Enfin deux fois plus que d'habitude quoi.

4. J'aime beaucoup le tir sportif et l'équitation. Quand j'aurais finis mon esclavage en master j'espère bien recommencer à monter régulièrement.

5. Le seul examen au monde que je ne voudrais jamais, JAMAIS repasser, même sous la menace d'un bâton de dynamite dans le cul, c'est le permis de conduire. Je l'ai raté quatre fois, deux fois pour des conneries abrutissantes, deux fois parce que je l'avais putain de bien mérité. Tout ça pour l'avoir au bout du cinquième coup avec tout les points, même les deux bonus. Par contre après les innombrables kilomètres que j'ai enquillé pour les conventions et le boulot, maintenant j'adore conduire. #MakoMobileFTW

6. Ça ne surprendra plus personne en disant que je suis une Bioware Bitch. 

7. Putain déjà douze ans que Silva m'occupe. Et dans quatre ans ça sera finis. PUTAIN QUOI.

8. Je suis très mal à l'aise avec et dans l'eau depuis que j'ai faillie me noyer deux fois, une en Normandie en me retrouvant bloquée sous une barque qui s'est remplie avec les vagues, une autre quand un connard m'a gardé la tête sous l'eau trop longtemps dans une piscine alors que j'avais douze ans. L'altitude c'est pas troooop mon délire non plus.

9. Mes deux endroits préférés au monde sont la plage de Ravenoville, un tout petit bled Normand à quelques kilomètres d'Utah Beach et St-Mère-Eglise, et le rivage du lac Léman. L'intégralité de mes madeleines de Proust peut se résumer à l'odeur de la Manche, du vent, de l'iode et du sable, et l'odeur de l'eau froide sur les galets et les algues toute douce et visqueuse. 

10. J'ai la mauvaise habitude d'accumuler les carnets et de continuer à en acheter sans les terminer. Mais c'est trop bien les carnets D8

11. J'aime les hiboux, les renards et les lions. Sous toutes les formes.

Et les questions maintenant !

1. Pourquoi dessines-tu/écris-tu ?
J'ai jamais arrêté d'imaginer un milliard de connerie, il faut bien qu'elles sortent quelque part. Franchement j'imagine pas arrêter i, kpir/

2. Quel est ton thème favori à travailler ?
Les histoires de famille, la résilience, les relations parents/enfants, le sacrifice.

3. Ecris moi un pitch rapide avec en sujet : Relation avec le Père (le meilleur aura un cadeau)
#LAFLEMME (Ou je t'en ferais un bien plus tard XD)

4. Quel est ton fandom favori ?
Hmmmmm... Ouh c'est dur en fait. Récemment j'aimais beaucoup le Rhys/Fiona de TFTB, Adam/Megan de Deus Ex... je ship pleins de trucs ponctuellement mais je suis pas tellement dans les fandoms. Je préfère faire mes trucs dans mon coin.

5. Ta théorie sur Rey de SWTFA ? (ou du moins ce que tu souhaiterais)
.... j'en ai aucune, j'aime pas spécialement Rey, le gêne Mary-Sue est trop fort en elle XD

6. Comment as-tu connu Star Wars ? (j'ai dis que j'étais monomaniaque actuellement)
Par les paquets de Céréale Miel Pops qui offraient des jouets pour la sortie de la Menace Fantôme. (Oui.)

7. Personnage favori de Star Wars ? Univers tout confondu.
Han Solo ! (Je connais rien d'autres que les deux trilogies et j'en ai pas beaucoup de souvenirs)

8. Le cliché de personnage que tu détestes ?
Oh putain y en a tellement. Sans doute celui qui a un passé tragique et souffre et doit le faire ressentir à la terre entière, et qui a raison parce qu'il a SOUFFERT. 

9. L'objet favori que tu possèdes.
Mon ordi je pense en fait. Un des premiers trucs que j'ai payé seule, que je retape au fur et à mesure et auquel je tiens le plus. Même si j'aime très fort mes livres.

10. Quel est ton meilleur souvenir de jeu vidéo ?
La fin de Mass Effect 3 ! J'ai jamais autant pleuré ni eu autant de feels qu'en terminant ME. Mass Effect dans son ensemble d'ailleurs reste mon meilleur souvenir de jeux vidéo. J'y ai attaché tellement de choses et c'est l'oeuvre dans laquelle je me suis le plus investie. Aucun film, aucun livre et aucun autre jeu vidéo n'y est parvenu pour le moment.

Mais un de mes meilleurs souvenirs sinon c'est quand mon tout premier ship a été canon par un putain de miracle qui m'émerveille encore, pour pleins de raison : le jeu n'était pas une série et c'était la première fois qu'ils faisaient une suite directe, mon ship avait eu très peu d'interraction dans le premier opus (genre UNE), le jeu suivant imposait pour la première fois des ships (avant on pouvait matcher tout les persos de son équipe comme on voulait, dans le suivant on avait juste une dizaine de pairing canons sur la centaine de persos), et par MIRACLE, mon ship a été dedans. ET JE POUVAIS LES JOUER. PUTAIN QUOI.

11. Et le pire ?
J'ai jamais fais de jeux que j'ai foncièrement détesté. Je pense que le pire souvenir c'est perdre ses saves de jeux. Quoique là j'ai été assez agacée de certaines dynamiques de jeux dans Fallout 4, mais j'ai sans doute trouvé comment faire la nique au jeu (en étant obligée de me spoiler comme un porc), alors bon, on verra.

Et je tag les deux grosses :iconpoly-m: et :iconsvantj:



"War Hounds is a walk in dirt and rust.
It's wandering in the worst districts of the universe.
And trying to come out alive, if possible in one piece.
And it's a webcomic published every fridays.
This story is also a part of the "SWS" universe, AKA "Space Warships", a wide sci-fi saga about stellar wars, and people who try to defend their convictions, or simply to survive."


And you don't want to miss an update ? We also can follow us on Tumblr and Facebook ! =D







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HEYE ! You know what folks ? After many months of hardwork from :iconselkys: and I, we're verry happy to propose you the first Hiraeth Artbook on kickstarter, exclusively dedicaced to :iconanndr: work : Art of Anndr !…


The veeery good news is that we are already funded. So why continue to talk about it ? Because we have a lot of cool stretchgoals to unlocked, and every additionnal money will be very useful for Anndr and our work !

Feel free to share and participate ! Every help will be very appreciate :heart:

For personnal life, the last four months was a storm of crazy works : for my professionnal job (I work now as manager in a big society), for my university (I'm student at the wonderful French National Conservatory fo Arts and Crafts, and if everything is alright I will continue for two more years. It will be my major goal for 2016 to success all my exams and pursue my studies on a high level.), and of course for Hiraeth.

We did a really good Autumn-Winter season, and we work hard to increase it in 2016. Our agenda for 2016 is already full, with 3 conventions programmed for Spring-Summer, and more for Autumn-Winter. But for now :

- Polymanga 2016, 25-28th March, at Montreux, Switzerland. With some greaaat surprises.
New books : SILVA 4 - Sengha, Integrale 2 (War Horse + Sengha), and Art of Anndr

- Geek Faëries 2016, June, Selles-sur-cher

- Japan Expo 2016 (YES WE'RE BACK THIS YEAR), 30thJune - 3rd July, Paris
New Book : Surprise in Production !

I also work on a huge project for 2017, in collaboration with my school, Hiraeth and many people. It will be my main project for 2016 and I'm really really excited to start it.

So, now I wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year ! :heart:

"War Hounds is a walk in dirt and rust.
It's wandering in the worst districts of the universe.
And trying to come out alive, if possible in one piece.
And it's a webcomic published every fridays.
This story is also a part of the "SWS" universe, AKA "Space Warships", a wide sci-fi saga about stellar wars, and people who try to defend their convictions, or simply to survive."


And you don't want to miss an update ? We also can follow us on Tumblr and Facebook ! =D







re-colored by: demonofsarila</span>

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Well hello folks !

Be brief, be precise : everything is fine here because I'm a happy new graduate and I start a new job in September, exactly in the workplace I wanted ! :heart: So I'm VERY happy since I signed my contract !

Now it's summer, and with summer come lazyness and rest. Chapter 1 of War Hounds is done, we'll be back in September with Selkys, and in the meantime, here is a little Gallery tag !

Happy holidays !


Gallery Tag !

Tagged by :iconselkys:

1- What's your current wallpaper. Describe it, or better : show us !
Heberger image


2- What's your own favorite OC and why ?

Erf, I really can't choose, REALLY ! I love them all, no matter there's in Silva, SWS, Sirocco or Belial !

But for the current mood, maybe Lou Havenga and Andréas Bird, an inspector and a police commissioner I'm playing with Selkys in SWS Universe.

Heberger image

3- What's the most viewed / faved deviation in your gallery ?

Lin Bei Fong by Amaltheren


4- In your humble opinion what's your most underrated deviation, the one that deserves more exposition ?

I suppose it's my most recent deviation I posted, because I really like it !

Wendigo by Amaltheren

5- What's your current main project ?

HAHA, I can't have ONE current main project, I have always PLENTY main projects !

Of course, as always, Silva take a lot of my head and my time. But also War Hounds, Sirocco, SWS and Bélial !

Heberger image

6- What's the last deviation you put in your fav and Why did you fav it ?
Signal Pages 11-12 by spoonbard



"War Hounds is a walk in dirt and rust.
It's wandering in the worst districts of the universe.
And trying to come out alive, if possible in one piece.
And it's a webcomic published every fridays.
This story is also a part of the "SWS" universe, AKA "Space Warships", a wide sci-fi saga about stellar wars, and people who try to defend their convictions, or simply to survive."


And you don't want to miss an update ? We also can follow us on Tumblr and Facebook ! =D







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Ih there everyone, it's been a long time, but I was so busy than I can't believe eight (EIGHT ? Oh shit) months has passed !

I moved in one of the most beautiful cities of France, near to my friends and my school, and it's a everyday pleasure to live here and knows than my best friends are at only five or ten minutes from my home. And it's easier to work on Hiraeth too !

About my projects, I was, as always, busy as hell. War Hounds is still update every friday and you can read it in english or french ! We are with Selkys at the page 40 and we're still on fire with our bruta babies. In two weeks we will celebrate the first year of the webcomic ! And around Octobre-November, we will certainly do a paper version :D You can discover the webco at the end of this journal !

I rewrite Silva too, it was a big necessity, four years after the first book. Some characters will change, like Morquendi or Lliane, I have to rebuild some chapters, add new informations, delete things not useful. It's a big work, but a real pleasure. I'm glad to discover my own story again and clean it in the way I love. (Like... No more elves. Yes. But don't worry, we still have dragons ! Big ones.)

Book 4, Sengha, is coming this year, and I can't wait to write the storyline with Aleksander and Restaz. I'm waiting since four years to beginning his chapters :D

Also, I'm still working with Selkys on the SWS universe, and it's really really fun to work in SF universe. We will publish a first book, write by Selkys, for Polymanga (in Switzerland), a spin-off which take place between the periods of SWS Dantzig (three first books of the series, in progress) and SWS Stalingrad (three last books of the series).

About our conventions with Hiraeth, we will be at :

- POLYMANGA, 3-6 April, Montreux, Switzerland
With me, Sorina-chan, and Elements City Team (François Theurel/Le Fossoyeur de Films, Mathieu Pradalet/French Food Porn, and Nicolas Bourniquel, lead 3D-artist)

- LES IMAGINALES (Still in waiting), 28-31 May, Epinal, France

- LES GEEK FAËRIES, 6-7 June, Selles-sur-Cher, France

With me and Saph-y

NO JAPAN EXPO THIS YEAR. We're tired of the insane prices of Villepintes and we don't have an entire week to sacrifice for the convention. But you will see us in Paris next autumn for Paris Comics Expo or maybe the Comic Con ! You can follow what we're planning on our Facebook page (link at the end of the journal too)

I guess that's all ? And it's already a lot I think !

Oh, yes. About drawings. I still draw : I just don't have time at all to finish or colors my sketch, so I don't post what I'm doing. Maybe after the end of the rush for Polymanga !

Wish you great times folks, and I hope to see you at Polymanga in April :D 


"War Hounds is a walk in dirt and rust.
It's wandering in the worst districts of the universe.
And trying to come out alive, if possible in one piece.
And it's a webcomic published every fridays.
This story is also a part of the "SWS" universe, AKA "Space Warships", a wide sci-fi saga about stellar wars, and people who try to defend their convictions, or simply to survive."


And you don't want to miss an update ? We also can follow us on Tumblr and Facebook ! =D







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The new life in front of you by Amaltheren, journal

Taaag by Amaltheren, journal

ART OF ANNDR ARTBOOK + Winter News by Amaltheren, journal

Summer News + Gallery Tag by Amaltheren, journal

Some winter news ! by Amaltheren, journal